Homes for everyone


The Homes for Everyone initiative is driven by the desire to create change and solve housing needs by:

  • helping our community be fully aware of the complex challenges that have caused the crisis,

  • to provide answers and solutions to each of those causes,

  • to have the important and bold conversations, and

  • to connect people with solutions

Together we will help establish the outcomes to provide housing at all levels to end the crisis and connect people who create solutions or are in need of solutions.

While this is a Sunshine Coast initiative, driven by Sunshine Coast locals, much of what we discuss here will help solve issues across state and national levels. We are bringing people together to drive the change and keep the momentum going to see real solutions achieved. We need your support to show all levels of government that we are united to find a resolution. Become a local community champion. 

​​Housing is a basic human need. This initiative is about human rights - for shelter and safety, for the confidence to be able to live where you want to live.

Together we can change the narrative about what housing is. This is not about ‘affordability’ or the ‘market’, this is about human rights, social justice and a Home for Everyone Under the Sun. 

We are conscious of the fact that many in our community do ‘not want to become another Gold Coast’ and there is a lot of noise around ‘anti development’ but the truth of the matter is that with proper planning we can have sustainable development to house our community without detracting from the lifestyle.

A NO or STOP mentality is not sustainable or humane.

We need a collaborative, SOLUTION-focused view that sees us provide a safe sanctuary for all members of our community while ALSO supporting the environment, the culture and the lifestyle we love. We are approaching this with an ‘AND’ mentality, not ‘OR’. Let’s protect the environment AND house people. Let’s protect what we love about this region AND develop sustainably. 

Our community urgently needs a BRAVE discussion about inclusivity and diversity with a meaningful and practical outcome to provide certainty in the direction we want to take to solve this crisis. We need to show all levels of government what we want and provide the platform for the solutions so government, industry and community can work together to provide a home for everyone who needs one.

Decades of brutal neglect at all levels of government (both the political and the bureaucracy) have created this crisis. A lack of community understanding, some sectors of community activity (even when well meaning), and ‘pretend’ solutions by government has exacerbated the problem. Yet this site isn’t about ‘knocking’ anyone, it’s about providing facts, data and practical ways to solve a very complex issue - while not shying away from what needs to be said to understand the causes and create actual change.

This site exists to reveal all aspects about the causes. Here we come together as the H.E.U.S Initiative to SOLVE the Sunshine Coast housing crisis. It can be done. It will be hard and it will take time, but it CAN BE DONE. If we choose to. 

If we choose to put our hand up to be counted, if governments choose to make the change and respond to the crisis as a crisis, if we unite for our future.

OUR solution is:

  • data and evidenced based.

  • approached with an ‘AND’ mentality. We can protect the environment AND house people. We can enable more affordable homes AND social housing AND higher priced homes.

  • encompassing all levels of government encouraging them to make logical, achievable changes.

  • present and future focused - we need homes now and into the future for a long term fix.

  • supported by industry, government and community.

  • driven from the heart, by the community, for the community.

OUR solution is NOT:

  • about duplicating the works of others. There are many people doing incredible work to help alleviate the symptoms and aspects of the specific causes and we aim to provide the connections and support and advocate for those groups.

  • ruining the environment. On the contrary, we are about SUSTAINABLE housing in the truest sense of the word. Protecting our beaches, our environment and our people - the right housing in the right areas at the right density to achieve sustainability.

  • supporting developer and investor ‘greed’. Without developers we have no community, without investors we have no rental properties, we need to support them to provide ‘affordable’ supply as many are leaving the industry due to escalating costs.

  • a bandaid fix. There is no room for ‘pretend’ or temporary solutions, this is about people’s lives and livelihoods and our community’s future.

  • a political stunt. We support those who support REAL solutions, we are here to help, yet we won’t shy away from saying what needs to be said to get those real outcomes.