Homes for everyone podcast

Through this podcast we share the real stories of those impacted by the housing and homeless crisis on the Sunshine Coast to raise awareness, break the stigma around homelessness and grow our collective voice by encouraging more people to join our movement. The more people who add their name to our digital list the more attention we will be paid by the decision makers who have the power to implement real, effective change to end the housing crisis.

Have a listen here or search ‘Homes for Everyone’ on your favourite podcast platform.

Episode 1 - nicole and her children struggle to find a homE

episode 2 - Harrowing truths about homeless youth being exploited on the Sunshine Coast

episode 3 - Vital sleep bus service has provided more than 400 safe sleeps yet it’s still not enough

Episode 4 - School communities impacted by homelessness

Episode 5 - housing density, council planning & changing the community’s perspective

Episode 6 - a real issue facing real people

Episode 7 - The key role investors play in the rental crisis & why we need alternative types of housing

Episode 8 - The solution to homelessness relies solely on courage from council

Episode 9 - property experts warn housing crisis is close to becoming irreversible


Episode 11 - Orange Sky CEO Shares his insights