The cost: the social & economic impact

$25 Billion per year

Failure to act on shelter needs will cost the community $25 billion per year by 2051.

$110 Billion in benefits

If we invest in social and affordable housing today will gain $110 billion in benefits.

Source: SGS Economics and Planning, for Housing All Australians June 2022, ‘Give me Shelter; The long term costs of underproviding public, social and affordable housing’.

The above number is very scary, especially when you understand the implications for the Sunshine Coast such as the loss of 2,000 tradies in a time when construction costs have escalated further driving prices and the undersupply. Why? Because there is plenty of work in other areas with lower accommodation (and therefore living) costs.

We are losing GPs, IT, hospitality and agricultural workers as well. Actually, workers in every industry. The economic and lifestyle cost is huge.

Worse is the social impact. The cost on people and livelihoods. The impact on families, on culture and diversity.

Over the coming weeks, we will expand in more detail and provide the stories of the impact here. Please feel free to contribute.